What is Jira Sync?

Our Jira Sync add-on enables you to sync stories from Sharktower to Jira and vice versa. It needs to be installed into your Jira instance and configured to synchronise with a specific Sharktower project.

When would I want to use it?

If you have a development team using Jira, but many other activities going on alongside the development work (e.g. business readiness, customer comms, meeting actions, etc) which don't belong in Jira, you might want to manage your wider plan in Sharktower, whilst synchronising just the high level stories from Jira.

Are there any restrictions?

Yes - you must be using a Cloud instance of Jira (check the domain of your URL - if it ends in atlassian.net or jira.net then it's definitely cloud.)

Other things to bear in mind:

  • Stories are the only issue type to sync (i.e. not tasks, bugs, etc.)
  • You must map a single Jira project to one Sharktower project.

How do I remove the Sharktower Jira Sync app from my Jira instance?

  • In Jira, navigate to Apps>Manage apps
  • Select the Sharktower Stories Sync for Jira app and click Configure, then Disconnect

Note: It's important to do this step before uninstalling!

  • You can then go back to Manage Apps and click Uninsta

How do I stop the Sharktower Jira Sync app from syncing with my specific Jira project?

  • In Jira, navigate to your project then select Project Settings>Apps
  • Click the Sharktower Jira Project Setup link
  • You should see a button in the bottom right that says "Unlink Sync" - click this to unlink/unsync!

Why are my story points not showing in Sharktower with Jira Sync?

To ensure story points sync with Jira you need to ensure that the fields have been set-up properly in Jira. Within the Sharktower Jira Project Set-up you can specify which field to sync Story Points with (see below). If this is blank and no field to choose from please follow the instructions below:


Machine generated alternative text:
Designate source of story points 
Which field in Jira will you pull story (complexity) points from. 
Fields below are of type number and assigned to this project. 
Story Points

  1. Within the Project Settings navigate to Fields
  2. Click the pencil icon to modify
  3. Scroll down to Story Ensure all Screens are selected then click Update.
  4. Navigate back to the Sharktower Project Set-up and you'll now see Story Points field to select.

How does the add-on expect the Jira project to be set up?

The add-on works with projects of type Jira Software and their style can be Classic or Next-gen.

Note: only Stories are synchronised.

There are only two required configurations:

  • Projects must have Story Issue Type configured.
  • If you wish to sync Story Points, a numeric Jira field needs to be assigned to a specific Jira project.

Why can't I find the Sharktower app?

First, check you are definitely using a cloud instance of Jira - a good way to tell is by looking at your Jira domain - if it ends with atlassian.net or jira.net you are using a Cloud instance.

Secondly, ensure you are following the steps in this guide - the app must be installed manually and is not available on the app store itself.

Can I link more than one Jira Project to my Sharktower project?

No- a Sharktower project can be linked to only one Jira Project and vice versa.

How does the add-on sync?

Does it sync both ways?

Yes, the add-on can synchronise stories both ways.

Is it realtime?

Sync from Jira to Sharktower is realtime. However it takes a few seconds for Jira to get the Sharktower updates. You won't need to refresh the page in Sharktower to see any changes but Jira usually does require a refresh.

Which fields sync?

due datedue date
complexity[configured for each project]