What is Sharktower Meetings?

Think of Meetings as a grouping of actions and decisions - an audit trail for the many discussions and meetings you are no doubt having on your project. It's a replacement for your meeting action log (not for your calendar, or for Zoom!)

Why use Sharktower for capturing meeting actions?

There are various benefits to using Sharktower for meetings:

  • One central place for meeting actions to be captured - no more unwieldy spreadsheets
  • An email summary can be sent to all invitees after the meeting, ensuring accountability and transparency of what has been agreed
  • Meeting actions and decisions are actually related to project work through association with activities in the plan.

How to create meetings

Firstly, decide on the type of meeting you wish to create. There are two types of meeting in Sharktower:

  1. Meetings
    Use these for any one-off or recurring meetings on your project, such as weekly delivery reviews, or one-off design workshops. You can capture actions and decisions throughout and then email the summary at the end.
  2. Stand-ups
    Use these for daily/weekly stand-ups where you want to review all the work on each team member's plate. You can link the meeting to a specific workstream, activity or just the whole project: the work items related to your selection will then be displayed in a kanban style inside the meeting. Click here for more information.

There are a few quick steps for setting up a meeting in Shartkower. The CREATE MEETING button is available under the Meetings tab of any project. Add the details of the meeting, including the recurrence and the attendees (they will receive a notification)

Note: you can only add attendees who are in your project team (click here for more information on how to add users to your team).

Your new meeting then appears in the schedule alongside any others.

Creating stand-ups

The steps for this are much the same as above, with one key difference: the (optional) selection of an activity or workstream. Your options here are:

  • An activity: selecting a specific activity will bring all the work items associated with that activity into the meeting - you may want to do this if you only want to discuss the work items from, say, one sprint at a time. 
    Tip: You can edit the stand-up to change the activity when you are ready to move on to the next one (e.g. if you were having fortnightly sprints, you could change the activity every two weeks to bring in the new work items).
  • A workstream: selecting a specific workstream will bring all the work items associated with all activities in that workstream into the meeting - you may want to do this if you are running stand-ups for sub-teams, e.g. separating the "Test Team Stand-up" from the "Dev Team Stand-up"
  • Select nothing: this will bring all the work items for the whole project into the stand-up

To learn how to run meetings and stand-ups, capturing actions and emailing the minutes out, click here.